Fermented foods are transformed from their raw form by a process called lacto-fermentation. Lacto-fermentation is a microbial process using beneficial bacteria, which thrive in an anaerobic (without oxygen) fermenting environment. The beneficial bacteria feed on the sugar and starch in the food being fermented resulting in lactic acid. This process preserves the food, preserves the nutrients in the food, creates various strains of probiotics and creates beneficial enzymes, and breaks down the food making it easier to digest.

Traditional cultures around the world have been fermenting foods for centuries. The western world has lost the art of fermentation due to technology and the use of artificial preservatives.

10 Reasons to eat Fermented Foods

1. Our modern world is killing all our bacteria (bad and good)

Our bodies have 10 times the bacteria than we do cells. One would assume that this bacteria we carry plays an important role in our health and our lives. Our modern world is filled with antibiotics, chlorinated water and antibacterial soap, stripping bad and good bacteria from our bodies. “If we fail to replenish (good bacteria), we won’t effectively get nutrients out of the food we’re eating.” – Sandor Katz

2. To improve Digestion

The process of fermentation will start to break down the food and partially digest it. As for vegetables, fermentation breaks down the cellulose, which cannot be absorbed by the human digestive tract. This helps to improve digestion and the health of our bowels, as our own digestive system does not have to work as hard to break down the food, it has been partially done already.

3. A great source of Probiotics

It is becoming well known now that after a course of antibiotics, we need to replenish the good bacteria by taking a course of probiotics. But if we consume fermented foods everyday, then we are replenishing the good gut bugs daily. Adding the beneficial bacteria back into our digestive system will help balance the bad and the good guys.

4. Fermented foods are rich in enzymes

Our bodies make enzymes to digest particular kinds of foods, without these we could not absorb the food correctly, which could cause problems in the bowels. Many factors, such as ageing, deplete these enzymes decreasing our digestion.  Raw foods contain enzymes that can help in the digestion of these foods. Raw foods however, can be difficult for people to digest due to other components in the food. When foods are fermented, they remain raw and their natural enzymes are enhanced due to the fermentation process. So a lot of pressure can be taken off our bodies.

5. Increases the vitamin content.

As the foods are fermenting, their more fibrous parts are being broken down, which releases more of the vitamin content making the amount absorbable to humans much higher.

6. Enhances nutrient absorption

We’ve all heard “you are what you eat”, it should actually be “you are what you absorb”. If our digestive systems are not working optimally, we won’t be able to absorb all the nutrients that we consume in a day. However, by eating fermented foods, which will improve digestion and increase enzymes, we will then be absorbing more of the nutrients in our foods at every meal.

7. Enhances our immune system

80% of our immune system surrounds our bowels. So its then obvious that if digestion is compromised and our gut bacteria are out of balance, then our immune system will suffer. Improving digestion, will supply the immune system with all the proteins and nutrition it needs to make the immune compounds. And improving bowel health will make sure that undigested particles are no longer getting through into blood circulation where the immune system needs to mount an attack.

8. Is an inexpensive healthful food

Eating healthy and organically can be expensive. Taking a bottle of probiotic supplements can also be expensive. But making your own fermented foods, cost nothing more than the vegies, salt and jar. Well, almost. Nevertheless, fermenting all different foods are inexpensive and last longer putting no pressure on consuming these foods before a ‘best before’ date and wasting them.

9. There are a great variety of foods you can ferment so you never get bored.

You can make fermented beverages such as water kefir, kombuchu, coconut kefir etc. You can ferment any vegetable you want, along with fruits. And there are many condiments you can ferment to make healthy versions of tomato sauce, mayonnaise, mustard and the list goes on. Imagine a healthy tomato sauce?

10. Fermenting foods is a great way to preserve your food.

Preserving foods means that they will last longer, for months. This means days of wasting food is over, which helps save money. Fermenting foods will allow you to store these foods for longer without losing the nutrient content. Win Win!

If you are interested in learning how to make your own fermented foods, click here.

Note: fermented foods are not meant to be consumed in large amounts, they are meant to be used like medicine. A little at every meal will enhance digestion, improve the health of your bowels and increase your immune system. All these factors will improve overall health.

Making your own fermented foods (or should I say medicine) is easy and economical. For more information about our 3-hour workshop click here and scroll down